hey there fans, so many have been asking me about my 1986 toyota mr2. early on in my channel i started with a very low quality camera i started "the sunday show" featuring my toyota mr2 and its locked up engine from sitting . so far it has been sitting waiting for project funds which has been difficult to obtain.
first of all i filmed a little update video to post to my channel which might be the rebirth of my sunday show series but they didn't prove to popular with the masses. again this was with little following and low quality footage. so updates are on the way for this project.
the main focus for the start of the series was to explore the ways that engines locked up and ways to break them free i tried a number of things that i knew and people suggested and no luck was attained on freeing the engine with marvel mystery oil and tranny fluid and mix of diesel fuel and marvel oil. there are some other things that you can try. i showed how to releases compression from the engine to turn it over and possibly breaking the engine free from the cylinders rust seizure.
all in all the engine is going to be removed and taken apart figure the problem out and rebuild the engine. make it really a budget rebuild to show people on how to do it as cost effectivly as possible. major engine damage will always require replacement but i feel that is not the case in my engine because when i installed it , it turned over fine,
so thanks for reading and i plan on having the video up in the next week if interested.
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