Wednesday, November 5, 2014

the office side of things

So in all of the things i do i love it, but there are always things that are not as fun as getting your hands dirty and accomplishing things. but then there is the scheduling. yes trying to figure out how your going to get thing done.
for as much as i would love to do JOETHEAUTOGUY full time its just not possible at this point in time. I still have to work at my day job, which as you may guess takes up a lot of time. This is something that i deal with week to week. i have to come up with the ideas to film and organize it as well i do many jobs that i do not film. if i filmed everything it would take constant editing and to much time on the computer.
All of the things i listed above are very time consuming. the main thing that goes on is making receipts organized for warranties as sometimes it happens filing them away is just a pain. i call my car my mobile office as i digitize many receipts on my lunch breaks so its kind of like always working. which i dont mind honestly it just i wish i had more time lol.
there are many things i take into account. and that many other people in this type of thing should do.
just have a plan. Have back up cash for parts you didn't intend on buying its hard at first but if your going to be proactive about the solution we all need plans
My plan began slowly but i save 20% of all my earnings from car work. No matter what if its $500 or $5 i save it to the cent into a account just for emergencies on the car repair only money never touches my personal accounts. i have 2 secured credit cards just for large bills too so if the bills dont get paid i have a back up to still pay for things if things go haywire .
just for a touch of what can go wrong is yes i am human and i can make mistakes. with that being said i was doing some testing on a purge solenoid for a silverado and back probing the connector with a t pin i forgot i had one in the connector already and i touched the pins together connecting the wires together essentially and fried the ground driver inside the pcm. so the confirmation on a 70 dollar part costed me $450 dollars for a new pcm and programming and that cost was not passed on to my customer it was my mistake and im honest so i fixed it and had to eat that.
in conclusion always have a plan when things go wrong were not always perfect

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